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Center for Applied Behavioral Supports

Everyone deserves to live their best life and we want to help get there by replacing behaviors that interfere with joy with adaptive skills that bring joy and well-being.

Center for Applied Behavioral Supports

Our Program

We support families and children experiencing challenging behavior to help them live more harmoniously in their natural environments, emphasizing flexibility, independence, and autonomy. We offer caregiver-implemented and therapist-implemented services based on the unique needs of the family.

Behaviors We Address

Limited use of existing communication skills

  • Assessment/Curricula we use: Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS-R), Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK).
  • Co-treat or consult with SLP to identify appropriate communication type, set up dozens of opportunities for the child to use the communication style, based on the child’s interests

Aggression to others and self, property destruction, running away/elopement

  • Assessments we use: Descriptive assessment, Interview Informed Synthesized Contingency Analysis (IISCA), Open-ended caregiver interview.
  • Identify reasons for these behaviors and functional alternatives, allowing the child to have their need met without endangering self or others.

Meltdowns, tantrums, and emotional outbursts

  • Co-treat or consult with OT to identify coping & calming strategies and help the individual learn to gradually replace meltdowns with other adaptive behaviors, affirming the intensity of their experience.

Everyday task/demand refusal and school refusal

  • Identify root of refusal and ways to motivate the child to try with support.

Social skills deficits

  • Assessment/Curricula we use: Descriptive assessment, Skillstreaming (Preschool, Elementary, and Adolescent).
  • Co-treat or consult with SLP to identify communication-related needs, use behavioral skills training to teach concepts such as personal space, appropriate physical interaction, conversation skills, and many more.

Activities of daily living (ADL) deficits

  • Assessment/Curricula we use: Essential for Living, LIFE Skills Emergence, Assessment of Functional Life Skills (AFLS)
  • Co-treat or consult with OT to identify areas of need and sensory concerns, identify environmental and motivational factors that interfere with ADL completion, and teach/practice skills to success.

Our Philosophy

Everyone deserves to live their best life and we want to help get there by replacing behaviors that interfere with joy with adaptive skills that bring joy and well-being.

Our Mission

To focus on current challenges families face regarding their child’s behavior, using a holistic, trans-disciplinary approach while investing in the future of ABA by preparing more practitioners to fill the ever-growing shortages in the field, while conducting research to contribute to and advance best practices in the field.

Commitment Statement

We dedicate ourselves to providing exceptional, person-centered, neurodiversity affirming care using cutting-edge behavioral technologies grounded in compassionate, assent-based practices.

Services We Offer

  • Therapist-implemented ABA in the clinic
  • Training for caregiver-implemented skill building
  • Training for caregiver-implemented behavior reduction
  • Social Groups
  • Special Education Consultation & Advocacy*
  • Academic skills support*

*Not covered by health insurance.